Hi - I'm Zoe's dog, Kipper. I really liked KC's web pages, so I told Zoe that I wanted my own web page and here it is. I'm almost 11 years old and I live in Scarborough. I really like living with Zoe and her family - they let me play hide-and-go-seek and footsies (and they don't mind too much when I bark). I really like to play but I do not like sticks or balls. I also enjoy going on walks.
My favourite food is human cookies, especially chocolate chip cookies, but I also like the dog cookies that KC sends me. They taste like peanut butter and they have little faces on them!
Zoe and her family brought me home from the pound whan I was one year old. My name was Killer but they thought Kipper was a better name. I love my family and I love to sing to Zoe's mother when she comes home.
More pictures behind the bone  |